MakaWalangHiya Distro

MAKA(WALANG)HIYA DISTRO is a zine distro project that focuses on zines from Filipina/o/x creators from the homeland and the diaspora at large.

30 September 2022

Henlo to the Cosmos! We finally have this site up (hat tip to Neocities for the hosting)! Many things still in the works! We’re planning out our store at the moment, and also gathering a database of Filipina/o/x creatives (homeland or diaspora) for hire! If you are interested in adding yourself or someone you know, please email us!

Meanwhile we are preparing for Canzine, which is tomorrow! See you there with our new zine, All Girls!


This is a handmade website that is constantly under construction (mind the falling debris!) and hosted at Neocities.

We are trying to make this website as accessible as possible! If you have had a positive or negative experience while visiting us, please reach out at!

Pixel art by Snow Gomez.

Font is Monosten by Colophon Foundry.


We’d love to hear from you! You may email us at

We’re also on Instagram at @makawalanghiya.distro.